Battlefield 3 Fault Line Series Episode 1

02 March 2011
DICE posted a new Battlefield 3 single player gameplay trailer on the  official Battlefield site. The trailer shows a lot of the scenes we have  seen from the screenshots seen in various gaming magazines. Also we have 3 new images relesed from GDC showcasing the US' m...

New Battlefield 3 Screen-shots

23 February 2011
Well here we go some more scans of whats to be this years biggest game Battlefield 3. Thanks to our friends over at, German editor Fabian Siegismund also played the demo level but describes it in another way and gives more detail to the destruction. Here i...

THQ: Going down the drain

10 February 2011
Well THQ and relic games have posted that they will be scrapping a few of the p4f games this year. One of them is Company of heroes online(COHO).Just been reading up on it and the question that was asked by the thousands of COHO beta testers (including myself) was "Why...

Leaked Battlefield 3 images

08 February 2011
Battlefield 3, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 3, It looks so good we had to say it 3 times, here are the first leaked images and news from this months exclusive from game informer magazine. [lightbox]images/bf3/bf3-gi1.jpg[/lightbox] [lightbox]images/bf3/bf3-gi2.jpg[/lig...

Battlefield 3 Revel

04 February 2011
Todays the day, The big Battlefield 3 revel what can we expect ?? The trailer does not reveal much, but it does show attack choppers, tanks and jets which BC2 was criticized for lacking. The gaming magazine Game Informer has revealed thah the Frostbite 2 engine will be...

Operation Flashpoint: Red River

25 December 2010
A new Operation Flashpoint: Red Rivertrailer offers gameplay from Codemasters' upcoming military shooter sequel in a clip that profiles Staff Sergeant Damian Knox, one of the game's characters. Word is: "The trailer demonstrates some of the wide range of combat scenari...
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