UPDATE: And now we have some video footage.
DICE's Patrick Bach says "that they didn't just want to make an exact copy of these maps and have made certain changes to bring it to a more modern day setting. He adds that Strike at Karkand is not as foggy and has a clear sky with greater detail seen throughout the map".
Patrick Bach: "What we’re doing with all the maps is, we’re taking them from where they were in time and taking them into the future so there’s been changes in the environments based on the modern setting. “Wake Island†has had quite a lot of changes to its environment since the days of 1942".
 "It doesn’t look exactly the same as it did back then, it’s actually quite interesting to see the changes that it’s been going through - we didn’t want to just make a copy of the map, it’s the same with “Strike at Karkandâ€, we didn’t want to copy, we wanted to add something new to it. It’s not the same foggy environment, it’s like a clear sky and it’s more detailed in general and that’s the same as all maps".
 Patrick Soderlund "There's a lot of destruction in BF3, but the Karkand map pack, when you play it, it's a different level, even more so than in BF3, of destruction in there," he told us. "So I think people are really going to like that, and see it as something fresh. When you play Karkand, it's just crazy the amount of destruction that goes on in there. And that's a deliberate decision by the small team who made the pack, to really dial that up and make it even more prominent than it is in the Battlefield 3 'vanilla' experience."
We here at Rush-Zone are very much looking forward to this 1st real DLC for Battlefield 3