Topic-icon Best Game You've Played Ever?

14 years 9 months ago #325

Very simple... Best game you have played ever... and dont say BC2 or i will throw the rope up!!! :angry:

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14 years 9 months ago #329

Very hard question. Many games was great! There's no obvious "the best" game for me but special place at the top of the list gets
Quake 2 my first real (skill training) fps, this game made me a fps player.
Counter Strike, i keep coming for more even now.
Battlefield 2, this game was a jaw dropping experience, i don't remember any game that made me think WOW so many times. So i guess my "the best" game is Battlefield 2 (what a surprise) heh :).

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14 years 9 months ago #331

Tetris on win98 great gfx great engine and realistic

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14 years 9 months ago #335

Pokemon Red/Blue - I honestly think this is the best game ever. No other game besides BF2 has captured my interest quite like Pokemon. Aside from the massive hype, the cartoons, the trading cards ect. Just taking this game on it's own i'd still call it the best game i've ever played.

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14 years 9 months ago #338

hummmm tough question. best game ever probley has to be the game i spent most hours on, so thats gonna be battlefield 2. but we must not forget the good old days simple gfx but awesome gameplay like, defender , space invaders , pacman and then kickoff, sensible soccer, turbo esprit, syndicate, the list could go on.

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14 years 9 months ago #342

Multi-player did always seem more epic when your opponent was sat next to you didn't it?

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14 years 9 months ago #343

yea, trash talking is more effective that way xD Myth of Soma is mine, its an old korean mmo doubt anybody here has heard of it :X was well advanced for its time, mostve the mmo systems to date still hasnt got such a sophisticated stat system.

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14 years 9 months ago #352

Simple answer....

Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo on PS1.

Devilish hard Single player but the most epic 'winner stays on' game in versus mode, especially under the influence, and with a room full of mates.

Any of you with a PS3 or 360 can get the HD remix, which is recommended.

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14 years 9 months ago #380

This original questions again ey? Can you not be allowed to pick your favorite 3 games of all time, it is so hard to pick just one game. Awah!

I guess I would have to say F.E.A.R Combat, because it got me into PC-games and it was a decent free multiplayer game.

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14 years 8 months ago #491

Best FPS - Bf 1942

Can't beat the epicness and scale of this game. Truely the best FPS ever, even if games like CS will always win that crown. 1942 changed FPS in a way nothing ever had done, and I fucking loved it :D

Best RTS - Empire Earth

Anyone who played this will love it as much as I did. You get devs these days saying that they cannot fit over 50 units in their game per team, so they have to cap it etc. EE had something like 1500 units per team, with up to 8 players. Epic massive battles I swear

Best MMO - Dark Age of Camelot

Fucking orgasmic this game, best MMORPG every hands down. Would still play it today if I had the time and patience to start again, never should have stopped really.

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14 years 8 months ago #501

<strong>Ghostchanter wrote:</strong>Max world population limit was 1200 in EE and the Art of Conquest Expansion. EE2 had a higher limit, but was bugged in the graphics department. Badly. It was a nightmare to play, simply because the graphics didn't represent the units. I've lots sooo many tanks due to mis-clicks...

I'd say Empire Earth takes it in the RTS area, simply because (like with BF2), it's an absolutely massive game. All C&C games feel shallow and simple compared to it: 5 resources, 15 epochs (tech levels, if you wish). Huge game.

Oh and... *cough* Portal *cough*.
Someone has to say it! Why not me?

Last edit: 14 years 8 months ago by klasbo.

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